Interview with Alan Wilder

French Black Box part 4


 JB : Do you think it's not too excessive  to talk of your familly   of your  private, of your daughter Paris . I don't know, at least for me, I don't have a child , but i often wonder if sometimes Alan Wilder wants to talk of his daughter  , his wife and private life so much  ... ?

Alan : I don't tell everything in relation with my private life . I encourage the human side , to show more to the people my human side . It's the good thing with the e-mail, the internet , it's that there is a barrier present . As you must know , most of the people who write us do it by e-mail . It's real easy for them to build up a whole personallity , that can be real different from what they are in real life . And I can do it also if I want . And if I don't want to communicate or give informations about me i don't switch on the computer .You always have that barrier present that protects you . It's like people were waiting you and spying you at the gates of your house . I don't encourage that . This kind of communication is mostly safe and sane.

JB :Do you know that there is a big problem in France , it's real hard to find Recoil records here?

Alan : It's not only in France .

JB : I don't know for the others I can only speak for France !

Alan : Unfortunately it's a problem of retail and Radio airplay . Both go together , it's a vicious circle . That's the reason to encourage the developpment of the websites and mail orders . Retail doesn't work like mail order, they get on your toes . You have to find a good media to seel your record in the stores. I encourage the use of the mail orders , I think that in the future , it will be the most used way to buy records,without using a retail . It's the same thing for the radio , which is still the best way to promote a title . But they have a short range of music styles that they play . It's a problem concerning the radios and not the music themselves . Maybe in a near future it will change . When I came in France two years ago there was only 2  interviews in relation with  Internet : one for Sonic Net and the other for Club Internet . All the other ones were magazines and radios . This time there are hundred of people who have a website who want to make an interview . It shows how much things change . The record companies must realize that they have to be present on the internet.