Interview with Alan Wilder
French Black Box part 1 (Intro)

JB : Is Paris a good city to party  ?

Alan : It has been a long time since i haven't been clubbing in Paris , I prefer to go out sit at cafés.

G : What do you like most in the atmosphere of Paris  ?

Alan : What I like most here is to seat at a café all day , and be there eating and drinking all day ...

JY : It's easier to create a website about DM in order to speak about Recoil .

JB : there are lot of fans of  DM who don't know what Recoil is, or may just have heard the name.
They know that Recoil is Alan Wilder, without knowing more about it  (mostly in  France). It's a small market for  Recoil.

Alan : It's difficult to get radio airplay , the web is the better way to keep people aware of the news of  Recoil. It's not a music really commercial , there are people who listen to it and don't like it . Most of the people who listen to Recoil also listen to DM.
If they also know the history of  DM, they know a bit of the beginning of the history of Recoil .
We made this survey on the Shunt website , we haven't yet given the results .
One of the questions was  : "Are you a fan of  DM and  Recoil, or only Recoil ?"
Nobody said he was a fan of only  Recoil . The majority said that they are fans of both , or that they are fans of  DM and get interested a bit  in  Recoil.
Everybody has a bit of this DM  background. The people who listen to Recoil are aware that to know  Recoil, you have to know DM first . It's where the problem comes from . That doens't disturbs me that fans of DM listen to Recoil , but i'd like to see also other people getting interested and listening to Recoil .
Also the people who go visiting  your sites  (Recoil) often come by links from other DM websites .
It's hard to get other people visitng Recoil websites  (like mine) without coming through DM websites.

G : It's what we try to , myself,  JY and the others , it's to push people into listening to other musical styles and other artists than DM.

Alan : If you ever sat that Recoil it's Alan Wilder  , who was part of DM , people will expect to find the influence of DM on Recoil , and nothing else.

JB : It's the usual cliché . It's Alan Wilder, who was a member of  DM, so his music must looks like the one of  DM, but that's not the case.