Interview with Alan Wilder

French Black Box part 2


JB : So to get back to Liquid, you started to work on it in September 1999 ...

Alan : 1998 , but it was only to record the musicians on a few days . After that , I've done nothing for the following few months . I really started to work on it only on September 1998. The first demos were ready at that time , so i was able to work  on other steps of the making of  Liquid.Since September , I started to work more actively , without having to work every day . Only 2 to 3 days a week . I started to ut together all the different ideas i had in my mind , and as the project progress I work more and more . At the end it's more 7 days a week  and 24 h a day . Well it represents quite a year of work .

JB : Did it take you more time to do it than on the other Recoil Albums?

Alan : Well quite the same time as  Unsound Methods.

G : Were you influenced by a special ambient to make this new album , compared to UM ? Did you work in a different way  ?

Alan : It was not really different than UM except that i wanted to work with new artists , people different from the other albums. I wanted first to record the musicians  to give me a base of samples and material to work on the new album . The work was done in the same way , building from time to time the music ,trying new experiences , without really knowing where I was going for a moment , until I contacted the new singers .

JB : Did you have any idea about the people you wanted to work with ?

Alan : I had some people in my mind , but that changed as I progress in my work ....It's the music that suggests me the artists I must take . I haven't thought of anyone in particular  like  Diamanda Galas , for example , until I had the music for that track  (Strange Hours). When I heard her , I knew when I heard her that it was her that I wanted , she's got that blues / gospel aspect that I needed for that song . I thought that she was the perfect person for that . It's the way that i work at least.

G : Was it the same thing for Jezebel  ?

Alan : Jezebel, it was really an exception from the others because that song was created from the singing part , because it's a sample . It was a different way to work , because the music came to me when i was listening to the words . So I could easilly put a music on this lyrics . It was more  the way DM used to work  , because with  DM we used to write the lyrics first .It looked like the way i used to work before . Finally , after listening , it's the track that sticks the more out of the album . In fact , we have thought of releasing it as a single , but it is not the most representative of the whole album .

G : It is the most special track on the album !

Alan : Yes , finally it's the most commercial track of the album . It would get lot of airplay on the radio .