Interview with Alan Wilder

French Black Box part 3

Pimpf, JB and Alan


JB : To get back to singers , are there some of them who refused to work with you ? For example , you would like to have a certain singer for a specific song ? Telling yourself  it's this man or this woamn I'd like to have for that song, and finally refusing to do it for some special reason ?

Alan : No, we didn't had this problem . But we did record with someone, and i was not really happy of the results .

JB : was it a song  rejected from Liquid ?

Alan : It's a title that is in Liquid and that is performed by  Nicole (Blackman) , Chrome in fact, that we did record with someone else , but that didn't fit well . It was a man , and i won't tell you who he is . And by the way you won't ask me ! The fact of someone who wasn't available to work on the album happened , because i asked someone to participate and he was busy at that time . But he would have liked to do it.

G : Was it  Douglas (Mc Carthy) ? Because lot of people wanted to know why Douglas wasn't part of the new Recoil ?

Alan : No, because  ...

G : You wanted to do something new?

Alan : Exactly , that's the only reason .

JB : In order to  promote  Recoil, you launched a site on Internet. Is it hard for you to answer to the fans day after day , doesn't it becomes a routine for you ?

Alan : It does take time , and that can represent quite a lot of work . But it's the part of th site that is the most popular , it's what people like most . That's what makes the website special . that doesn't disturb me to do it , we choose purposely th questions, so that they can be different from what the medias used to ask . Trying it to answer it with humour , in a funny way , it's good to have different kind of questions . The artists should get more involved and be more interactive with the fans. As I don't tour or do any concert , it's my only way to communicate directly with the fans.

G : it's good thing you do with  Shunt, and the  relations you have with the Recoil  webmasters . You give us all the news directly in a fast way .

Alan : Both our sites gain from that kind of relation . You helped me in some way for what's concerning Recoil  on the web  , and I like it . And if you're a fan , you learn more and you know more about the person from who you are a fan . This relation works in both ways . And now  Recoil has an important presence on the web thanks to this kind of relation.

JB : Concerning Internet and your relations with the fans, they recieve frequently an e-mail from the Shunt team, what is the Shunt team exactly ?

Alan : It's me and  Hep.

G : You are the ones who answer us really?

Alan : Yes , most of the times. In fact now we have Richard Berry who's in charge of Edge. Do you know the website Edge ?

JB : Edge, what is it  ?

JY : Edge, yes , it's Richard Berry !

Alan : He's the one who helps me now. He works for me now. He does all what's in relation with the technique , because we're actually updating the whole site. Particulary the HTML dynamic , and that will soon appear as well as a new frontpage .

JB : you're going to change all the front pages of the website with the coming of the new album ?

Alan : Yes a whole new look . and a guide for the wole site that will tell people how to navigate through the website ,and you'll be able to visit my studio  , click on special places  and zoom on it. That will come soon  and it's him who helps us to put all in place .Me and Hep do all what's in relation with writing .