News June 25th 2001

Due to some ambiguous questions the recoil CONTEST had some of their questions changed so enter the contest and win some recoil prizes

News June 17th 2001

SHUNT + BLACK CHROME + Recoiline associate together to launch this recoil contest
Go to the CONTEST Page to enter the contest and win some recoil prizes

The movie called The Hole that feature the instrumental version of Jezebel will be released on June 20th here in France:

The Hole

To hear some of the original versions of Jezebel / Faith Healer(album) / Faith Healer(live) / Electro Blues for Bukka White / Hitmen : The Bates Motel / Korgis : If I had You go to the February section

News June 1st 2001

Happy birthday Alan :)

Happy bday Alan


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