Short Q&A

November 2000

This is a Short Q&A that Alan Answered to me, with questions submitted by the members of the Recoil Message Board for November 2000


Q - Are there any artists (alive or dead) you would have loved to work with?

Alan : There are many people I admire but no-one specific that I'm dying to work with. I let the music dictate what voices to explore.


Q - Why "Jezebel" won't it be released in the states? and will it be released in Vinyl format?


Alan : Well, in the US, singles really don't sell at all. They are purely something to 'take to radio' to promote albums. Mute US are using 'Jezebel' to promote the LP but didn't feel there was any point in releasing it commercially since most US fans now have internet access and can mail order it if they want. There are no plans to release 'Jezebel' on vinyl.


Q- Any thoughts of releasing a Video/DVD of all the Videos?


Alan : I would definitely like to but, again, this would be up to Mute. I would imagine, by the time the next LP is ready, there would be one or two new formats to consider anyway - and DVD would be one of them. By then, Recoil will also have enough videos to fill a compilation.


Q - Have you ever thought about creating a musical film (kind of like Pink Floyd the "WALL") for a Recoil album?


Alan - I couldn't finance something like that myself and do it justice. Of course, it would be great to make a film if someone wants to back it.


Q - Will you choose to work again with only women for next album, cause I'm sure it was pleasant to be surrounded by women to work (hope Hep isn't jealous)


Alan : I really don't know yet. Maybe I won't have any vocalists at all.


Q -Will the next album be really more "rock" ? or was it just a joke?


Alan : I can't say what it will be like yet.

Thanks to Alan Wilder for those Answers
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